Our Programme contains both our monthly meetings and other events we think you'll find interesting.

Everyone who is interested in bees and beekeeping is welcome to attend our meetings to find out more about our absorbing hobby, whether member or not. Please come along and ask questions; we love to talk about bees.

In the summer we meet in members’ apiaries or the branch apiary and do practical work with colonies, and also arrange some other meetings and events indoors at other times of year. To apiary meetings wear your protective gear, which must be clean to help stop the possible spread of diseases. If you don’t have any yet we have some bee suits available to borrow if you arrange it with the Apiary Manager in advance.

Admission is usually free of charge to members but there may be a small fee payable by visitors to talks.

Locations of apiary meetings are not published here, for reasons of security. For details please contact the Secretary.

Tuesday 11 March, 7.30 pm

Saturday 15 March, 10 am, doors open at 9.30 am

Trinity Methodist Church Centre

Friday 4–Sunday 6 April

Harper Adams University, Shropshire TF10 8NB

Tuesday 15 April, 7.30 pm, doors open 7.0 pm

Brockencote Hall Hotel

Wednesday 16 April, 5 pm

Branch Apiary