The following honey extracting equipment is available for members of Kidderminster Beekeepers' Association to hire for a fee which covers the costs of maintenance,

  • a manual nine-frame radial extractor which is very good for dealing with a large number of frames, but rather unwieldy to transport, £5 per day
  • a manual four-frame tangential extractor which is small and easy to manage, £5 per day
  • an electrically heated uncapping tray, two strainers and two buckets, £1 per day altogether.

Tips for using the extractors:

  • make sure the extractor is clean and dry before you use it
  • in case the basket which holds the frames has been moved out of position, before you fill the extractor with frames check there is clearance between the moving frame and the closed cover when you turn the handle
  • always fit the covers and close them when extracting, for your safety and to preserve the aromas of the honey
  • ask when you collect the extractor if you don't know how to fit the covers, or any other questions about using it
  • don't under-estimate how long extracting will take—an hour per super is a good guide when all the frames are full and need uncapping 
  • allow an hour to clean the extractor before you return it
  • remove the nuts and take the basket out of the drum for cleaning; you can also loosen the bolts and take the basket off the shaft
  • use cold water to wash away the fragments of wax and propolis—hot water smears them over the surface
  • detergents are not necessary and avoid using abrasive scourers
  • make sure to wash out all the wax and honey from the nooks and crannies of the basket
  • wipe the outside and the handle too, to make sure they are not sticky
  • scrape bits of propolis off with your thumbnail
  • dry all the surfaces thoroughly with a fresh tea towel
  • report any damage, missing parts and any other faults when you return the extractor
  • return the extractor in the state in which you would wish to collect it—spotlessly clean and completely dry.

Contact John Hopkins to arrange hire.

Next Meeting

Spring Workshop

Saturday 15 March, 10 am, doors open at 9.30 am

Trinity Methodist Church Centre

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