It's been great to receive all your emails, both before the event looking forward to it and all those afterwards about how much you enjoyed it and gained from it and thanking us for organising it.

Our very dependable guys exhibited, talked and explained harvesting, showing honey and wax extraction.

This was really informative stuff. There were samples to see and feel, equipment to explore and new and historical literature to peruse.

Absolutely absorbing with a huge depth of knowledge on offer and all questions answered.

Another area explored our taste sensations.

Thank you to everyone who contributed honey and recipes for everyone to try out and compare for personal preference.

These really tickled your taste buds.

It was great to have such a range to try out whilst we pored over the library books out on show.

In the craft corner, we offered a chance to print your own bee tag to have as a key fob. Whilst no one took on the offer, there was lots of chat about lettering; interest in hand creams and candles and encouragement to enter the craft category in The Honey Show.

This was a great morning to chill out and relax and talk bee.